Treats apricot.

Programmer and Software Developer.

Treats apricot. 

250 g of apricots in syrup (drained well)
150 g white flour 00
1 ½ teaspoon baking powder vanilla
1 pinch of salt
60 g of butter
100 caster sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 egg
60 ml of milk
180 ml of whipped cream


Preheat the oven to 190 °. Grease and flour 6 ramekins good for pies. Slice
the apricots and place them on the bottom of each mold. In a second step, stir
the flour, baking powder and salt, mounted to cream the butter (at room temperature, and in pieces
very small) with the sugar and vanilla, add the egg and begin to mix very
well, alternating with the milk needed, pour the mixture into each mold and bake,
baking the cakes for 25-30 minutes at most. Sfornarle complete cooking and leave
cool, when cold remove them from their molds and fill them with sprigs of
fresh cream and well fitted.

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